Sembcorp Water Technology Prize Winners Unveiled During The Singapore International Water Week
July 01, 2012
- Sembcorp Water Technology Prize winners unveiled during the Singapore International Water Week
- 2012/2013 competition focusing on the Four National Taps and Sembcorp water treatment technologies launched at the same event
The winners of the Sembcorp Water Technology Prize 2011/2012 were announced today at the Young Water Professionals Networking Reception cum Award Presentation, held as part of the Singapore International Water Week (SIWW).
An annual national competition sponsored by Sembcorp Industries and co-organised by Singapore’s national water agency PUB and Nanyang Technological University (NTU)’s Singapore Membrane Technology Centre (SMTC), this year’s competition saw 39 teams of students from secondary two to junior college build and run their own model NEWater plant.
The winning team from Bukit Panjang Government High School, comprising Aloysius Ang Jian Feng, Sih Jason, Rachel Tai Yi Qing and Goh Zhi Yu, impressed the judges with their video presentation and efficiency of their NEWater plant design. All four students will receive a two-week internship with Sembcorp. The first and second runner-up teams came from Victoria School and Raffles Girls’ School respectively.
Aimed at sharing knowledge about the NEWater treatment process and honing problem solving skills through experiential learning, this year’s participating teams visited the Sembcorp NEWater Plant and received workshop training by SMTC researchers over a period of 10 months. They subsequently assembled and ran a stimulated NEWater plant with the components given.
Raffles Girls’ School student participant, Grace Sum, said, “The newfound knowledge we have picked up from this experience can be applied in various fields. We have learned a lot about the constraints and challenges faced by Singapore regarding water security and sustainability. Maybe in the future, when we become policy makers, we can apply this knowledge.”
Mr George Madhavan, Director, 3P Network, Singapore’s national water agency PUB, said, “PUB is very encouraged by the high quality of entries that were submitted. Through this competition, we hope to increase awareness of water issues among the young, and inspire youths to think about innovative solutions to overcome our water challenges. For this year’s competition, students applied their creativity to produce videos and leveraged on social media to show Singaporeans and the world why NEWater is clean, safe to drink, and a pivotal solution to ensuring water sustainability.”
Commenting on the Sembcorp Water Technology Prize, Mr Tang Kin Fei, Group President & CEO of Sembcorp Industries, said, “Sembcorp is proud to be a sponsor of the Sembcorp Water Technology Prize, an initiative that we have been supporting since 2010. As a home-grown global water service provider, we believe that nurturing the younger generation is key to supporting the growth of the industry. We are glad that, through this competition, we are able to reach out to students across various schools, offer them a mentorship programme and hopefully spark a deep-seated interest in water technology among the youths.”
The event also saw the launch of the 2012/2013 Sembcorp Water Technology Prize competition. Dr Adrian Yeo, an SMTC Research Fellow and creator of the Sembcorp Water Technology Prize, commented, “In the past two competitions, we’ve seen how students have improved on basic ideas and concepts to come up with creative water solutions. The Singapore Membrane Technology Centre hopes that through this competition, we can continue to nurture new water talents and encourage them to join the water industry.”
In its third year, the Sembcorp Water Technology Prize 2012/2013 will be co-organised by the SMTC and Water Initiative for Securing Health (WISH), and supported by PUB. It will focus on the Four National Taps and unique Sembcorp water treatment technologies through a unique ‘live’ board game experience. The registration will open from 16 July 2012 to 21 September 2012.
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For media enquiries, please contact:
Gwendolyn Loh
Group Corporate Relations
Sembcorp Industries Ltd
DID : +65 6723 3159
Email: [email protected]
Nicholas Patrick
PUB, the national water agency
Tel: + 65 6731 3236
Email: [email protected]
About Sembcorp Water Technology Prize
The Sembcorp Water Technology Prize is a national competition which was launched during the Singapore International Water Week in 2010. Targeted at secondary school and junior college students, the competition’s objectives are to create a seeding programme to stimulate students’ interest in a career in the water industry, provide a platform for students to create innovative solutions to solve water and environmental issues, and to grow affinity towards water and a greater appreciation of Singapore’s water management.
The Prize is sponsored by Sembcorp Industries Ltd and co-organised by PUB and Singapore Membrane Technology Centre.
About Sembcorp Industries
Sembcorp Industries is a leading energy, water and marine group operating across six continents worldwide. With facilities with over 5,600 megawatts of gross power capacity and over seven million cubic metres of water per day in operation and under development, Sembcorp is a trusted provider of essential energy and water solutions to both industrial and municipal customers.d technology,
Sembcorp pioneered the commercial reclamation of treated municipal and industrial wastewater effluent into high purity reclaimed water in Singapore using advanced membrane systems such as microfiltration and reverse osmosis. In addition, it developed, owns and operates the Sembcorp NEWater Plant, the largest NEWater plant in Singapore and one of the world’s largest membrane-based water reclamation plants.
Focusing on process and technology, Sembcorp’s facilities worldwide comprise diverse models of water and wastewater treatment plants. Together with its pilot plants, these provide important test-beds to conduct research, improve and develop technologies and applications in total water and wastewater management.
Supported by in-house analytical and laboratory capabilities and leveraging on expertise from local tertiary research institutes and water technology companies like NTU-NEWRI, United Envirotech and Memstar, Sembcorp is committed to applying the best available technology to meet our customers’ water and wastewater treatment needs.
Aside from its energy and water business, Sembcorp Industries is also a world leader in marine and offshore engineering, as well as an established brand name in urban development. The Group has total assets of over S$12 billion and employs over 9,000 employees. Listed on the main board of the Singapore Exchange, it is a component stock of the Straits Times Index, several MSCI and FTSE indices as well as the Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index.
About PUB
PUB is a statutory board under the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources. It is the national water agency, managing Singapore’s water supply, water catchment and used water in an integrated way.
About PUB’s tagline: Water for All: Conserve, Value, Enjoy
PUB has ensured a diversified and sustainable supply of water for Singapore with the Four National Taps (local catchment water, imported water, NEWater, desalinated water).
To provide water for all, PUB calls on all to play our part to conserve water, keep our water catchments and waterways clean and build a relationship with water so we can enjoy our water resources. If we all play our part, we can have enough water – for industry, for living, for life.